August 2011 Issue

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In the August 2011 issue of Virginia Living you’ll fin an epic retrospective about the rich 100-year-old surfing tradition in Virginia Beach, the birthplace of East Coast surfing. From the beach to the woods, we venture into Shenandoah National Park for a deeper look at the park’s 200,000 acres of raw, splendid nature as it celebrates its 75th anniversary, and we get excited about all-things-cherry with a visit to 103-year-old Levering Orchard in Ararat. We try to suss out what it is that has made the shag the house dance of the South and take a peek inside a sophisticated weekend redoubt filled with light and air on Carter’s Creek. Also inside: Capt. Mary M. Jackson, the first female commanding officer of Naval Station Norfolk; an interview with Civil War artifact expert Shannon Pritchard; multi-faceted VCU professor Richard Roth; a witty historical radio show and more.

Tantalizing Tastes

Levering Orchard has a cherry disposition.