Made in Virginia 2017 Awards – Food

Northern Neck Popcorn Bag
Salted Dark Chocolate Caramel Popcorn, Kilmarnock
Seesawing between sweet and salty, the caramelization in this salted dark chocolate caramel popcorn is lighter than in most recipes, creating a pleasant balance with the underlying salt flavor of the popcorn itself. A mild drizzle of dark chocolate adds an extra dimension of bittersweet flavor, rounding out each mouthful with a bold finish.
“We make everything in house,” says owner Terri Crowder, who with husband Kevin opened their store less than a year ago. “We pop the corn, we melt the chocolate. The caramel is real caramel, made with real butter.” While the salted dark chocolate caramel is the most popular of this fledgling confectionery’s flavors, it is just one of more than 50 seasonally rotating blends on offer. Fall and winter favorites include caramel apple, ginger snap, gingerbread, peppermint mocha, and a chocolate green-mint special called the Grinch. “People love popcorn,” Crowder says, “and I love it because I have the opportunity to cook something that is fun and creative.” $5-$40, priced by size.
See all of our Made in Virginia 2017 Award winners!
OVERALL Nightingale Ice Cream, Richmond DRINK Ragged Branch, Charlottesville (category winner) Dead Reckoning Distillery, Norfolk Veritas Vineyards & Winery, Afton Trussings Craft Fizz, Midlothian DESIGN Daniel Rickey Furniture, Richmond (category winner) Gum Tree Farm, Middleburg Evolution Glass, Charlottesville GEAR Heart and Spade Forge, Roanoke (category winner) Ledbury, Richmond LC Fabrications, Grottoes Yak Attack, Burkeville
Winners were selected by the editors from among hundreds of submissions received earlier this year. Click here to see 2016 winners. Click here to see 2015 winners. Click here to see 2014 winners. Click here to see 2013 winners. Click here to see 2012 winners.