Tired of high intensity workouts? Try LISS.

In a “low intensity steady state,” or LISS, workout, you maintain a low level of cardio intensity for a set period of time. The steady motion improves your body’s ability to use fat as fuel and can help build up your fitness level if you haven’t exercised in awhile. LISS workouts are low impact and allow for a faster recovery than more intense workouts, so you can keep training day after day. It’s also a good active recovery workout for experienced athletes.
Need some steady-state ideas? Try a brisk walk or jog, ride a bike, swim, or jump on a rower, elliptical, or stair machine if you have one. Pick a pace that you can stick with for 30 minutes, and then gradually increase both your time and pace.
A LISS workout takes awhile, so it’s a good choice when you have time to burn. If you only have a few minutes, you’ll get better results from a high-intensity session of sprints or jump rope. And, your body will adapt to your level of activity, so you’ll need to mix up your LISS workouts by adding a new activity. But in the meantime, a steady workout each day will help melt the fat and stress away!
Get tutorials for LISS workouts from Studio SWEAT onDemand. StudioSweatOnDemand.com
This article originally appeared in our February 2020 issue.