Franklin County’s Homestead Creamery celebrates 20 years.

Homestead Creamery
IN 2001, FRANKLIN COUNTY dairy farmers Dave Bower and Donnie Montgomery bottled the first Homestead Creamery milk. Two decades later, the dairy business celebrates growth, innovation, and a dedication to good quality.
Sold in its signature glass bottles, all Homestead Creamery milk is made using “a minimal pasteurization method that kills the harmful bacteria but preserves the great taste and many nutrients,” says marketing director Rose Jeter. In addition to the classic milk and cream varieties, the creamery offers flavored milks, including chocolate, strawberry, and Cowpuccino, and seasonal eggnog and custard. Homestead also produces more than 20 flavors of ice cream.
This year, Homestead Creamery is working toward making its bottled products A2A2, which is milk with two A2 proteins rather than both A1 and A2. Studies have shown that the A2 protein is easier for the stomach to digest.
Although the creamery started small, it now has an expanded farm market in Wirtz, its milk can be found in Kroger stores and other major retailers in 14 states, and home delivery is available in Franklin County and the nearby area. “We receive so many heartwarming notes from customers that our products like eggnog, chocolate milk, etc., are a big part of their traditions and special memories with loved ones,” says Jeter. “At the end of the day, that is what matters most. We aren’t just making milk, we are helping people to make memories!”
The creamery will be hosting anniversary events throughout the year.
This article originally appeared in the June 2021 issue.