Oct. 9, 2016 • Kingsmill Ballroom, Williamsburg

Marsha Hargette, Betsy Edwards, Katy Rodgers, Jenny O’Donnell and Mary Jean Hurst

David and Cindy Hamrick

The Driscoll Family

Jeff Wassmer, Eddie and Cherry Robinson, Bryan Hill and Paul Freiling

Richard and Mary Ann Sleece

Charles and Corinne Garland

Pam and Monty Mason

Bob and Louise Canfield, and Kelly and Jason Miller
On Oct. 9, 2016, Child Development Resources held its 50th anniversary gala in the Kingsmill Ballroom in Williamsburg. The organization serves children with special needs, and recently exceeded its $1 million comprehensive campaign goal. CDR.org
Save the Date: The CDR’s 39th Annual Bid ‘n Buy Auction will be held March 19 at Jamestown High School.
More About Child Development Resources:
Child Development Resources (CDR) was begun in 1965 as the Williamsburg Preschool for Special Children and now serves approximately 1,000 children and their families each year. CDR is a comprehensive resource for physicians, teachers, and parents, and offers training programs to assist others with serving infants, toddlers, children and families.