A new film will look at legendary shoeless football team from Lynchburg.

Photos courtesy of Life Out Loud Films

Prominent Lynchburg business leaders and public officials have been busy “Kicking Off Their Shoes for Shoeless Wonders,” a grassroots fundraising campaign to bring the story of a legendary 1920s-era barefoot football team drawn from the local Presbyterian Orphans’ Home—which went eight years without surrendering a single point to opponents—to the silver screen. Picture Remember the Titans without cleats.
The original “Shoeless Wonders” featured in the syndicated cartoon feature “Strange As It Seems” as well as in a black-and-white Universal newsreel that appeared before films in theaters nationwide. “Shoeless Wonders is an important story and will resonate with many,” says Charlottesville-based casting director Erica Arvold (House of Cards, Lincoln). The film, produced by Sara Elizabeth Timmins (Loving, Wish You Well) from a script by Lynchburg native Rebecca Rogers Nelson, will be shot in and around Lynchburg this fall, depending on funding progress. ShoelessWondersTheMovie.com