June 2011 Issue

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It’s a classic Virginia summer on the pages of the June 2011 issue of Virginia Living. We conjure the quintessential Southern picnic complete with fried chicken and deviled eggs (caution – there are no “lite” dishes here), and travel the state to find your favorite down-home diners: from Arlington to Franklin, it is our tribute to the greasy spoons that for years have delivered hospitality and food that satisfies. Also, a compelling photo essay of an endangered species—the watermen of the Chesapeake Bay—by Glen McClure and a visit to Wythe Raceway in Rural Retreat for a look at dirt track racing and its devotees. Also inside: former Atlanta Braves’ relief pitcher Billy Wagner; printmaker Tanja Softic; an interview with Virginia Beach developer Bruce Thompson; the esoteric sport of fencing; adventurer Sean Burch; indigenous spa treatments and more.

En Garde!

Fencing is one of the world’s oldest sports, but it has always been a peripheral one in America, perhaps because it is not made for TV. However, its popularity is slowly growing. And one needn’t be young to fence—just agile, tactical and tough.
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Eclipse: an Athenaeum Sculpture Invitational

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Dance Your Heart Off!

R. R. Smith Center for History and Art