April 2011 Issue

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It’s been 30 years since Lisa Birnbach’s The Official Preppy Handbook appeared, and in the April issue of Virginia Living we take a look at Virginia as the “ground zero of prep culture.” Shot on the beautiful campus of Sweet Briar College, the story examines the evolution of traditional culture in Virginia—how it has changed, and how it has stayed the same. We also travel to Patrick County to meet Craig Rogers—the “humble shepherd” and owner of Border Springs Farm—who raises lamb that top chefs around the state and beyond are clamoring for, and pay a visit to Old Town Alexandria to eat, shop and explore this charmingly chic D.C. enclave. Also inside: landscape architect Richard Arentz and his country retreat in Fauquier County, Running Cedar; the outré yet uncontrived Charlottesville artist Beatrix Ost; veteran National Geographic photographer William Allard; hot garden trends for 2011; film director, Tom Shadyac; Arlington Hall’s shift from women’s finishing school to secret center for World War II code-breaking work; a trek through Jordan’s spectacular Wadi Rum and more.

The Desert, The Hero and The Movie

A trek through Wadi Rum makes clear why T.E. Lawrence was captivated by the vast desert valley.