20 Years: Remember

Where were you? What do you remember? 20 years ago today, 9/11 jolted our hearts and minds.

Konstantin Rega

After 20 years, 9/11 is still on our minds, though perhaps not in the same ways. Memory is funny like that, sometimes flames and planes are not what remains; instead, simple images like flags or a phone call or a child playing keep their form and presence known. Here are some memories from our staff.

Almost as unforgettable as the attacks on the twin towers is the memory of my then two-year-old son reenacting them with legos after days of continuing news coverage. 

My husband at the time was on the phone with a friend who told him to hold on a moment because everybody had just been instructed to head to the top of the building.

My younger brother’s first word was “Flags’” because, during that time, American flags were everywhere, constantly and proudly lifted high.

– That beautiful late Summer morning, I was walking my first Springer Spaniel puppy, Cutty, in Church Hill.  When I got back to the house, my brother called to see if I had heard the news and turning on the TV, saw the first tower smoking.

– I was on Broad Street in Richmond on my way to the office when I heard the news on NPR that the first plane had hit the tower.

I was in California; we woke up to it because we were 3 hours behind New York time. With a 2-year-old, a 5-year-old, and my youngest on the way, I wondered what kind of place the world would be for their future.

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