Oct. 29, 2016 • Stonewall Jackson Hotel, Staunton
Raina Krasner and barred owl Athena
Amanda Nicholson and American kestral Verlon
Dickson Young and Dave McRuer
Alex Wehrung greets guests with great horned owl Quinn
The Wildlife Center of Virginia hosted its Annual Gala & Benefit Auction Oct. 29, 2016 at the Stonewall Jackson Hotel in Staunton. The event was attended by nearly 200 guests, who raised more than $100,000 for the organization. WildlifeCenter.org
More About the Wildlife Center of Virginia
Since 1982, the organization’s veterinarians and volunteer rehabilitators have provided emergency care and veterinary attention to more than 70,000 wild animals, including birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians from across the Commonwealth. The Wildlife Center of Virginia also hosts special tours and field trips along with their educational outreach program, which visits local schools with programs that include up-close encounters with non-releasable wildlife.