You won’t be bored with oversized board games outside.

Super-sizing your games is a way to add fun the entire family can enjoy.
Everyone has cornhole, bocce, and croquet sets—and they are great games for social distancing—but it’s time for something new. Try making super-sized versions of tabletop favorites to play on the lawn. (Not crafty? Many Etsy vendors sell premade sets.) Visit for templates, scorecards, and rules. Game on!
Cut a 4″x4″ into five 4-inch lengths, creating cubes, and then sand and paint the cubes to resemble dice. Bonus: Make one extra dice to play Yarkle.
Tic Tac Toe
Crisscross four 1″x6′ PVC pipes to form the board, winding tape around the joints to hold them in place. Use a marker or paint to draw X’s and O’s on 10 flying disks (or use two colors) for game pieces.
Outdoor Dominoes
Cut two 2″x6″x10′ and one 2″x6″x8′ boards into 28 11-inch long pieces. Sand and paint or stain as desired, and then paint the dots.
Super Word Scramble
Buy or cut 100 6″x6″ wooden squares. Use a marker, paint and stencils, or stickers to add the letters and values. Tie lightweight rope around stakes to form the tile holders.