A dozen of our favorite ways to trim, tipple, feast and make merry this holiday season.

A PARTRIDGE IN A PEAR TREE Tour the Festival of Trees at the Southwest Virginia Museum Historical State Park in Big Stone Gap. Nov. 13 - Dec. 31. SWVaMuseum.org TWO TURTLE DOVES Indulge in gourmet chocolates for Gearharts in Charlottesville and Fleurir Chocolates in Alexandria. GearhartsChocolates.com, FluerirChocOlates.com THREE FRENCH HENS Prepare a feast with sustainable poultry from Shenandoah Valley Organic in Harrisonburg. SVOrganic.com FOUR CALLING BIRDS Sing along with the Wurlitzer organ at the annual Byrd Theatre showing of It's a Wonderful Life in Richmond. Dec. 24 and 25. ByrdTheatre.com FIVE GOLDEN RINGS Treat yourself to jewelry from Virginia designers Elizabeth Locke and Melissa Lew. ElizabethLocke.com, MelissaLew.com SIX GEESE-A-LAYING Order your Christmas goose from Leaping Waters Farm in Alleghany Springs. LeapingWatersFarm.com SEVEN SWANS-A-SWIMMING Find unusal period pieces from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries at Swan Tavern Antiques in Ordinary. SwanTavernAntiques.com EIGHT MAIDS-A-MILKING Give the gift of raw milk shares from Avery's Branch Farms in Amelia Court House, and Golden Valley Guernseys in Rixeyville. AverysBranchFarms.com, GoldenValleyGuernseys.com NINE LADIES DANCING Put on your party shoes for the world premier of the holiday musical Silver Belles at Arlington's Signature Theatre. Nov. 22 - Dec.24. SigTheatre.org Editor's Note: Silver Belles has been extended through Dec. 31 due to popular demand. TEN DRUMMERS DRUMMING Tap your feet to the Virginia Symphony Orchestra's live performance accompanying a screening of Home Alone at Chrysler Hall in Norfolk. Nov. 26. ChryslerHall.org ELEVEN LORDS-A-LEAPING Get in the spirit at Richmond Ballet's Nutcracker. Dec. 10-23. RichmondBallet.com TWELVE PIPERS PIPING Make it A Canadian Brass Christmas at George Mason's Center for the Arts. Dec. 17. CFA.GMU.edu