Sound On!

Our guide for attending a music festival. 

Photo courtesy of Floydfest

FloydFest has grown to become one of the region’s most popular festivals.

Although many of this summer’s festivals have been cancelled, some late-season events and smaller outdoor concerts are still on. It goes without saying that if you don’t feel well, you shouldn’t attend an event. Sam Calhoun, COO of FloydFest, offers a packing list of essentials:

  •  Wet wipes: “So many uses, from hygiene to showers to cleanliness.”
  •  Ziplock bags: “Easy and small to pack, and can help save your phone from the elements. (Also good for leftover food, dirty socks, small items, and camp organization.)”
  •  Plenty of pairs of clean socks: “These can make you feel brand new.”
  •  Ponchos and gear for all-weather conditions: “Our festival is in July, but our high-mountain location often means jackets or hoodies are required at night.”
  •  ENO hammocks: “So you can sleep most anywhere, and be suspended over muddy, wet, or cold ground.”

We also suggest you plan in advance, researching showtimes and locations for bands you want to see; stay hydrated (dehydration can send you straight to the hospital); go VIP, which will buy you a place in the shade, more comfortable seating, and faster access to the pit before the stage; and know your limits, avoiding alcohol and setting your own limit for when it’s time to go home.