Playful Learning

Summer camps offer fun with a purpose. 

Photo courtesy of Camp Mont Shenandoah

Attendees at Camp Mont Shenandoah can enjoy a wide variety of daily activities.

Summer camps are as American as apple pie. They offer a structured opportunity for children to grow, helping them become independent and self-confident, while making friends and learning new skills. 

Photo courtesy of Camp Light

Camp Light in Waynesboro caters to children with medical, physical, and behavioral challenges. 

While the first summer camps, developed in the late 1800s, were created for boys, Camp Mont Shenandoah in Millboro, one of the oldest camps in Virginia, caters to girls. According to third-generation owner Ann Warner, the camp promotes life skills that instill confidence, develop a girl’s sense of self, and foster independence through activities like sports, art, drama, and horseback riding; relationships with peers and staff; and longstanding traditions.

Camp LIGHT in Waynesboro helps its campers develop many of the same character traits. It is unique, however, in that it serves children with medical, physical, and behavioral challenges. “Our mission is to show kids with special needs and circumstances that life is only limited by their imagination, and to give them new tools and skills, along with love and support, to inspire them to become anything they can dream,” says development director Kelly Truxell. 

For adults who would like a camp experience, Brethren Woods Camp in Keezletown offers Christian education programs for women and men, as well as more traditional summer fare.,,