Celebrate the harvest season at these events around the state.

Fall Harvest Family Days
Photo by Foster Wiley
Sept. 18-21
Franklin County Agricultural Fair, Franklin County Recreation Park, Rocky Mount, 540-483-3030, FCAgFair.com
Sept. 28
Burkes Garden Fall Festival, Burkes Garden Community Center, Tazewell, 276-970-3950, BurkesGarden.Wixsite.com/MySite
Oct. 11-13
Fall Wine Festival & Sunset Tour, George Washington’s Mount Vernon, 703-780-2000, MountVernon.org
Oct. 19-20
Fall Harvest Family Days, Mount Vernon, Fairfax, 703-780-2000, MountVernon.org
Nov. 2
Apple Butter Making, Saunders Brothers Farm Market, Piney River, 434-277-5455, SaundersBrothersFarmMarket.com
Nov. 6
Wine Tasting at Skyland, Shenandoah National Park, 540-999-2212, GoShenandoah.com
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