June 8, 2018 • Cavalier Hotel, Virginia Beach
JJ and Hillary Garofalo and Michelle and Tim LaVigne
Christina Sims, Lisa Vann, Dawn Shane and Maria Norbeck
Gary and Charisse Black
Adia and Lavelle White
More than 300 guests attended the Virginia Beach Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Party on the Hill and raised $55,000 to support programs that place abused and neglected children in safe, permanent homes. The event was held June 8 at the Cavalier Hotel. VirginiaBeachCASA.org
Upcoming Events
ParTee Fore the Kids TopGolf Tournament: Jan. 20, 2019—TopGolf, Virginia Beach
Celebrating Children Pinwheel Palooza: April 27, 2019—Mount Trashmore, Virginia Beach