June 2009 Issue

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June means heading for the Coast—specifically, the Eastern Shore, for a getaway that’s as rustic or as cushy as you want it to be. Take in a show at Donk’s Lil’ Ole Opry in Mathews, or head north to check out fine art at Lorton. (Yes, that Lorton.) Also inside: forward-thinking Warrenton, possibly even more forward-thinking Cyrus McCormick, SFX wiz Matt Wallin, a Crooked Road cookbook, fresh salad greens, angular elegance at Lake Anna, and more.

“Lion of the Hour”

Lots of people made and sold reapers in the 19th century—but McCormick made his more efficient than anybody’s. By Mary Miley Theobald
February 18, 2025

Czech National Symphony Orchestra

Moss Arts Center
February 20, 2025

Eclipse: an Athenaeum Sculpture Invitational
