One river in Virginia offers something no others can in the country.

James River rafting
Beyond Boundaries & Virginia school for the deaf and blind
A Beyond Boundaries rafting guide through the Hollywood Rapids on the James River through Richmond.

Hughes River brook trout fishing
Fishing for brook trout on the Hughes River.
The General Assembly awarded a special Scenic River designation to the Richmond segment of the James in 1972, and a total of 8.5 miles were incorporated into the Scenic Rivers Program in 1984. Falling 105 feet over 7 miles through the capital city, the James provides the only Class III-IV urban whitewater in the United States. The James River Park urban wilderness lines the banks of the river, offering biking, hiking, fishing, and, of course, whitewater and flat-water boating.
Here, rafters with Beyond Boundaries paddle the Hollywood Rapids section of the river. Beyond Boundaries is a Richmond-based nonprofit organization that guides participants with disabilities, veterans, at-risk youth, and recovery programs on outdoor adventures. The group began with a whitewater rafting program in 2015 and has expanded to include hiking, fishing, and rock climbing; they plan to start a river boating program this year.