For Feet’s Sake

Mind your feet with next-level pedicures.

Think about the number of steps our feet take all day, every day and the amount of weight they carry with each step. Lisa Tep, owner of Sesen Spa in Vienna, says that in the same way we take care of our teeth and properly maintain our cars, the same kind of care should be practiced on our feet. Sure, it’s tempting to get caught up in color, but Tep cautions that “polish is the least important aspect of your pedicure. In fact, if it’s the primary reason you’re getting a pedicure, you’re missing the point.”

Enter Paramedical Pedicures—next level pedicures that serve a higher purpose. Tep explains that the Sesen way is a customized and advanced pedicure service that includes steps we’re all familiar with—soaking and nail trimming—but the paramedical version includes additions like a consultation and thorough foot examination; nail debridement and involuted/ingrown nail mitigation as necessary; cuticle detailing; deep cleaning of nail folds; corn, callus, and dry skin reduction, and more. 

“A pedicure that doesn’t start with an evaluation is pointless, just like that doctor’s visit,” Tep says. “Your nail technician should complete a visual evaluation.” She recalls that on two separate occasions, she found malignant melanomas on the bottom of a client’s feet. The results of a thorough evaluation helps determine the course of care. Tep will ask herself questions like, “Do I focus on reducing calluses or mitigating ingrowns?”

But the reality is that for many of us, the icing on the cake is definitely the polish. Toenails painted in your favorite shade make you happy. So the next time you’re angsting over the right color, remember Tep’s advice: polish is temporary, but proper foot care will help your feet carry you for many, many miles.

This article originally appeared in the June 2024 issue. 

Madeline Mayhood
Madeline Mayhood is the editor-in-chief of Virginia Living magazine. She has written for many regional and national magazines, including Garden Design, Southern Living, Horticulture, Fine Gardening, and more.