Penne Pasta with Salmon and Asparagus

More than just your standard pasta dish

Kip Dawkins

Penne pasta with salmon and asparagus


1/2 cup dry-roasted pine nuts

3/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese

1 cup coarsely chopped Italian parsley

3 cloves garlic, cut into slivers

1/2 brown onion, chopped

1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes, quartered

1 bunch tender asparagus, cut to 2-inch lengths and lightly steamed

1 lb. fresh salmon

salt and pepper to taste

olive oil

Gently sauté the onion and garlic in a tablespoon of olive oil until soft and golden, and set aside. Rub the piece of salmon with fresh sea salt and cracked pepper. Pan fry in a tablespoon of oil—about 8 minutes on each side. Set aside to cool. Remove the skin from the salmon and break up the piece into bite sized chunks. In a large pan, boil a large amount of salted water, and cook one pound of spirali pasta until al dente. Gently toss all the ingredients in a large serving dish, and serve hot.

—Serves four

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J Frank
J Frank is a past contributor to Virginia Living.