RIchmond Symphony

Richmond Symphony- Richmond

PJ Schlobohm

Richmond Symphony

Richmond Symphony Orchestra Music Director Steven Smith.

“Our season is designed to highlight many facets of orchestral music,” says Music Director Steven Smith. “In terms of broad strokes, we present a wide range of repertoire. We have two pieces that have not been performed by Richmond Symphony, as well as a number of pieces that have never been played before.”

The Altria Masterworks series opens with Mahler’s epic “Symphony No. 1 in D Major,” nicknamed “Titan.” “This piece [captures] the hopes and dreams of an excitable young man entranced by nature and poetry,” Smith says.

The Masterworks season culminates with the 100th anniversary of the premiere of Stravinsky’s “The Rite of Spring.” “We are happy to celebrate such a noteworthy piece and build a program around it,” Smith says.

The Genworth Symphony Pops series features Broadway classics by Leonard Bernstein, singer Maureen McGovern and the Cuban jazz sounds of Tiempo Libre. “Each program is something different,” Smith says. “We have different styles of music as well as different guest stars. Tiempo Libre has been a big hit with many orchestras that have presented them.”

The Bernstein on Broadway pops show features Jamie Bernstein, who will talk about her father’s career and give insights into his life as a composer to the Broadway stage.

Smith says he’s proud to be part of Richmond Symphony. “The orchestra is incredibly talented. I treasure every moment on stage and off that I can share with this orchestra.”


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tupponce joan
Joan Tupponce has written articles for a variety of national and regional publications including O (Oprah), AmericanWay, Delta Sky, US Airways Magazine, Seventeen, AAA World, New York Daily News and Virginia Living, as well as for the public relations area of Sports Illustrated.
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