Need a refresher in Virginia history? Put some breath and blood into the lesson by looking at faces and fashion from these 1901 and 1914 postcards instead of old buildings.

Real People
Rivermont Park and Casino, Lynchburg

Tobacco Harvest Scene, DANVILLE
You can tell this postcard is an artifact by reading its description alone: “Leaves are pulled from stalks in a field, hauled in on ‘slides’ by mules, strung on sticks and hung in barns for curing.” There is no direct mention of the people actually doing the work.

Landing at Jamestown
This Englishman just got to America and already he’s got a headache. The King of England demanded that the names of the new colony’s councilors be sealed in a casket and not opened until the men arrived at the settlement site. He can only imagine who will be in charge now!
Ah, the Edwardian Age! When Leg of Mutton sleeves made every neck look slender…and lovers were too well-mannered to sit on the same park bench. It’s hard not to coo at old-fashioned Southern Gentility. Even casinos possessed an endearing level of innocence!