October 2008


‘Fancy’ Comeback , by Peggy Sijswerda

In its day, the Lynnhaven oyster was prized by celebrities and regular folks alike. Pollution nearly killed off the mollusk, but the seafood classic is making a comeback.

Flying Circus , by Richard Ernsberger Jr.

In Bealeton, a group of ruddy, old-school pilots recreate Amercia’s “barnstorming” era with their vintage biplanes and aerial stunts.

All in the Family , by Mary Theobald

Lineage socieities aren’t fusty or fading, as some might think, especially now that the Internet has sparked new interest in genealogy.

In Every Issue

Letters | Contributors | Natives | Reviews | Style | Bellwether | About Town | Odd Dominion | Departures


Raising the Barre , by Richard Ernsberger Jr.

Now 25 years old, Richmond Ballet is growing in stature.

Where Are We? by Amanda Conner

Two exhibitions of centuries-old North American maps put the country into early perspective.

A Sonic Tribute , by Don Harrison

Piedmont bluesman John Cephas pays homage to his guitar roots.

Reality Show , by Laura Parsons

Tim O’Kane illuminates the details.

First Impressions , by Bill Sharfman

John White’s 16th Century watercolors.


Interview | “It’s About Living” , by Suzanne Gannon

New York-based interior designer Charlotte Moss talks about her Virginia roots and her career.

Virginiana | Mind Over Matter , by Bland Crowder

Working out of his historic Gloucester County home, Will Jenkins, a.k.a. Murray Leinster, was a pioneering sci-fi writer.

Food | Off the Rails , by Christine Ennulat

Autumn is the time for tailgating, and what better spot for a tasty repast than the Montpelier Races?

Dining | Casual Chic , by Christina Ball

In Richmond, two chic new Fan restaurants, plus an enduring lunch spot.

Towns | Victorian Echoes , by Daisy Ridgway Khalifa

Falls Church is an urban village with a storied past.

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