February 2014


Dream Machines , by Clarke C. Jones

We hit Albemarle County’s mountainous roads with the Shenandoah Region Porsche Club of America to find out what it is these Porschephiles find so irresistible about the iconic sports car.

Retirement Living , by Sandra Shelley and Sabra Morris

Healthy seniors aren’t interesteed in slowing down, they’re ready to ramp up retirement with active options for living and playing. A new special section takes a look at retirees who are living at the top of their game.


A special supplement featuring some of the most beuatiful real weddings from around thhe Commonwelath. Plus what’s trending in Virginia wedding style and Top Wedding Vendors 2014.

In Every Issue

Letters | Contributors | Natives | Reviews | Style | Bellwether | About Town | Odd Dominion | Departures


Conquering the Deep , by Salvador Dalí

There are easier ways to get to France. But if you like things easy, you aren’t Courtney Paulk.

Leafing Out , by Caroline Kettlewell

Curse the annual arboreal drudge, but don’t forget to love your oak trees, too.

¡Hola, Dalí! , by Bland Crowder

Things go a trifle surreal when the artista ste sup shop at a Caroline County manor.

Music Man , by Don Harrison

Bettling dementia, Billy Ray Hatley gtes by with a little help from friends.

Home Sweet Home, by Sarah Sargent

A new exhibit explores the notion of home and its myriad meanings.


Profile | Breaking News , by Dan Smith

This publisher made the circulation of The Recorder in Monterey proportionally one of the highest in the U.S. How does Anne Witschey Adams do it?

Food | One Pho All & All Pho One , by Lisa Antonelli Bacon

Additives and condiments make this Vietnamese classic a please-all solution when the family gets finicky.

Home | Appalachian Aerie , by Neely Barnwell Dykshorn

A Bath County mountain retreat where rustic and whimsical meet to create a stunning backdrop for a Virginia-themed art collection.

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